Wirral run a diabetic screening service for all diabetic patients with a Wirral GP.
Diabetic screening clinics usually run once a week and are different from a normal NHS eye exam.
To book a screening appointment you must first have received a letter from the hospital inviting you to make an appointment with your chosen optician. If you are newly diagnosed diabetic, your GP must register you for this service.
Your diabetic screening appointment will take approximately 20-30 mins.
You will be asked not to drive to your appointment as you will be having drops in your eyes to dilate your pupils and this can blur your vision for a few hours.
Your diabetic optician will then take fundus photography (not Optomap) and grade your images before they are sent to the hospital.
Your results will follow in the post approximately 2 weeks later.
Diabetic screening is performed yearly and is funded by the NHS
Eye Exams (to check the full eye health and prescription) are recommended at the usual intervals as per your optometrist’s advice.